two words.
there they are ^.
Now, onto my first review ever. And what a great flash it is to review.
You have a great artistic mind; the concepts, the tones, compositions, everything, superb.
I love this kind on non-stop animation and getting the fluidity and smoothness of the animation is tricky. [I've tried the same thing with 2 submissions.] It's a lot of fun to do.
Also, this is more a rant about some of the reviews you've gotten...A lot of people are complaining about the lack of voice and in-your-face plot, when we all know it doesn't actually need one to be a great animation.
Excellent work. You really deserved front page for that.
-ps. I got a lot of 'ZOMG!!1! U LIEK TOTALLEE COPYED BRAKENWOOOD'S STYLE 'stuff too. As flattering as it's annoying.
So yeah, excellent frame-by-frame, AND coloured outlines too. Must've taken you some time.
Keep it up and I think everyone is looking forward to your next piece of work.
G.O.D Dan